Resources 2024

It is expected that the students attending the School will use their own PC for the hands-on laboratories. Under each topic there will be (when available) recommendations and suggestions about software and tools that will be used during the lessons and the laboratories.
Under each topic there will be also copy of the slides used during the lessons, as they become available, and “suggested readings” about the topics presented during the School.

CLICK HERE to see the survivors at the end of the first week

Refresher on computers and networking (V. Casarosa)

At the links below you find the slides used for the Welcome and the lesson “Refresher on computers and networking”. There are more slides with respect to the ones used during the presentations. If you think that some additional clarification could be useful, please feel free to send me an email ( and we can arrange a “meeting”, either in person if you are in Pisa, or online if you are attending remotely.
See also “Suggested readings” in Resources 2023


Research Infrastructures supporting FAIR and Open data, tools, practices in the humanities and social sciences. The case of CLARIN (M. Monachini, F. Frontini, G. Pedonese, A. M. Del Grosso)

At the links below you can find the slides of the lessons and support material for CLARIN


Methods and tools for digital philology (R. Rosselli Del Turco)

At this linkyou will find all the instructions and materials needed for the hands-on workshop on Digital Philology. It includes all the slides to be used during the session (and more!) and information on which XML editor to download and install for the hands-on exercises (see the PDF document Introduction to the workshop).


Introduction to Natural Language Processing (R. Sprugnoli)

At this link you will find all the material needed for the practical exercises.

During the hands-on part of the class we will use some CLARIN-ERIC services. Please, check if you can login to CLARIN services using your institutional account. Here is a tutorial on logging in with institutional credentials:

You may try to login with your institutional account here:
If you cannot login with your institutional account, ask for new CLARIN credentials:

For accessing the Geo-Browser, you can use the CLARIN credentials, or your institutional account, or ask DARIAH new credentials here:

In addition, a Google account will be required to access Colab’s cloud service.


Historical GIS (T. Gil)

Link to the page where to download useful tools

Direct link to QGIS software page


Designing a project in Digital Public History (E. Salvatori)

Here you have the SLIDES of the lesson.
And here is the link to the jamboard

Links to some of the projects presented:


Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (I. Sucameli)

Here you have the SLIDES of the lesson.
Here you have the LINK to the Colab to be used for the practical exercises.


To be a historian in AI times (S. Spina)

Click here for the slides of the lesson
Click here for a transcript of the lesson
Click here for the video “Interacting with a computer in the seventies”
Here is the hand-written ancient document for the hands-on with Transkribus


Moral Imperatives of Technological Ethics in Historical Studies: Navigating the Ethical Maze in deploying AI and ML for Historical Analysis and Narrative Production (S. Ross)

Click here for the slides of the lesson

Suggested readings: