
If at all possible, it is expected that the students attending the School will use their own PC for the hands-on laboratories. Under each topic there wiil be (when available) recommendations and suggestions about software and tools that will be used during the lessons and the laboratories. Please try to install them on your PC before the beginning of the School, so that it will be easier (and quicker) to follow the lessons and the laboratories.

Under each topic there will be also copy of the slides used during the lessons, as they become available, and “suggested readings” about the topics presented during the School.

Digital editorship

Natural Language Processing

Digital audio and video: formats, recording, post-production, publishing

Digital information governance: selection, organization, long term preservation

Methods and tools for digital philology

Digitization of ancient documents and post-processing of digitized documents

How to build a Web site for Digital Humanities applications

Digital maps and Geographical Information Systems

Seminario: Version Control System: gif